Hawaii Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws

Everything you need to know about owning a firearm in the state of Hawaii

Hawaii State Seal

Hawaii Reciprocity Map

Last Updated: 2021

Hawaii Concealed Carry Reciprocity Overview



















Becoming a responsible firearm owner relies on a clear understanding of the gun rights and state laws that apply to you as a Hawaii resident. The population of Hawaii is just 1.4 million, and the state has an extremely strict policy on distributing concealed carry weapon permits (CCWs). Only 0.02% of Hawaii’s population are licensed for concealed carry, which equates to around 281 people as of September 2021.

The minimum age to concealed carry in Hawaii is 21, and the license is only valid for a year. Understanding how your gun rights translate across state lines (also known as reciprocity) is an important aspect of Hawaii concealed carry. Hawaii reciprocity agreements exist with 26 states but does not honor licenses or permits from any other state.

Those interested in obtaining a Hawaii CCW need an education partner they can trust. Concealed Coalition has trained over a million U.S. citizens on how to carry their weapons safely and effectively. Contact us to find online or local training to get your Hawaii CCW.

Summary of Hawaii Gun Laws

Your Hawaii Gun Rights

The relevant county police chief issues Hawaii concealed carry permits. This only happens under exceptional circumstances, as detailed in Hawaii concealed carry laws. Hawaii is a may-issue state, so applicants must convince law enforcement that they have sufficient reason to request a firearm to protect themselves or their property.

Successful applicants will receive their Hawaii License to Carry (HLC), which is only valid within the applicant’s home county. Buying a handgun from a private individual is also a strict process requiring a background check, a purchase permit, and the registration of the firearm in the buyer’s county of residence, the county where they conduct their business, and any county they may be temporarily passing through. Firearms must also be registered when inherited.

Any nonresident wishing to bring a firearm to Hawaii must register it with the local county police chief within 72 hours of arrival, and the weapon may only remain in Hawaii for 90 days. Invitation to shoot on private land, hunting with a license, or written confirmation from a shooting range are the only acceptable reasons for nonresidents to carry. Consult this resource for more information.

Gun rights can differ depending on where you are in America, and even within your own state. This makes a working understanding of your home rules crucial. Hawaii residents should always contact their county chief of police for the latest concealed carry information.

Open Carry in Hawaii

This is permitted for those 21 years or older who possess an HLC, but due to strict Hawaii carry laws, open carry may not be advisable. Consult with local law enforcement for advice.

Concealed Carry in Hawaii

The age requirement and HLC are also necessary to concealed carry in Hawaii, as is the successful completion of a state-approved firearms course. Firearms may also be carried concealed under circumstances like taking the firearm home from a purchase, to and from a target range, or to a police station. Firearm possession is typically limited to the owner’s residence (permanent or temporary) or their place of business.

Self Defense Laws in Hawaii

Hawaii’s stance on the use of force applies in a few ways. It requires people to first attempt a safe retreat in hostile situations occurring outside their residence or place of business. They are permitted to use force if a safe retreat isn’t possible. There’s no duty to retreat if a victim is within those two locations.

Use of Force

This is permitted provided the user believes it’s necessary to protect themselves from equal force being used against them. It may also be used to protect property from burglary, unlawful entry, or trespass.

Use of Deadly Force

It’s permitted if the victim believes it’s necessary to protect themselves against death, serious bodily injury, kidnapping, rape, or forcible sodomy. It may also be used to prevent felony theft or property damage, robbery, or burglary in situations where unjustified dispossession or the employment or threat of deadly force has been attempted or used.

Protecting Yourself After Use of Force

The two rules above also apply (with restrictions) to the defense of third-party persons or their property. Read the state’s use of force laws to understand all legal expectations and exceptions before considering any defensive action. This will help you protect yourself afterward if you have to use force.

Firearms training is a reliable way to gain legal awareness and situational judgment. Concealed Coalition has trained over a million people to become responsible, certified gun owners. Classes are available locally and online.

Hawaii Gun Laws by Statute

Concealed Coalition is dedicated to dispelling the myths surrounding gun ownership and promoting a culture of understanding, responsibility, and confidence. Our certified instructors are qualified across multiple states, and our online or local training classes provide convenient learning environments run by instructors who care.

Contact us today at (808) 698-9907 or email to discuss your Hawaii concealed carry permit educational needs..

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Does Hawaii recognize constitutional carry?


Is open carry permitted in Hawaii?

Yes, with a Hawaii license to carry, but licenses are rarely issued.

If Hawaii requires a license to carry a concealed firearm, how are those licenses issued?

May issue. Applicants must demonstrate a specific threat or need to be considered for a license. Licenses are only valid in the issuing county.

What is the minimum age in Hawaii to get a concealed carry license?

You must be 21 years old to apply for a Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit.

Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in Hawaii with a concealed carry license (or under permit-less carry if applicable)?

No. Handguns are the only weapons allowed to be carried with a Hawaii concealed carry license.

Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in Hawaii?

Yes. It is legal for private citizens who are at least 21 years ld and who meet specific criteria.

Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in Hawaii?

Yes, but not for minors.

Does Hawaii have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns?

A limit of 10 rounds per magazine is imposed.

Does Hawaii have ammunition restrictions?

Ammo of any kind is typically only allowed to be kept in the owner’s permanent or temporary home or at their place of business. Hawaii prohibits exploding or Teflon-coated ammo, along with any rounds labeled “law enforcement only,” unless these are owned by law enforcement officers.




Where can't I carry a concealed firearm in Hawaii?

Hawaii concealed carry laws prohibit CC in:

  • Any location prohibited by state regulation or law, or by federal law
  • Secured areas of airplanes and airports
  • In a vehicle without a firearms license
  • State or national forests, state or national parks, and wildlife management areas
  • Private property that prohibits firearms

Firearms owners should never consider any list of restricted locations exhaustive. Call ahead to ask about the firearms policy of any intended destination and consult with the relevant law enforcement office in that area.

Where can I carry a concealed firearm in Hawaii?

In bars and restaurants (with permission), places of worship (with permission), and in a vehicle while possessing a firearms license.

Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Hawaii?

Yes, when licensed.

Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in Hawaii?

Yes, but not inside any building in these locations.

Can you carry a concealed firearm in state/national parks, state/national forest and Wildlife Management Areas in Hawaii?


Can you carry a concealed firearm in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol in Hawaii?

Private owners of these establishments may allow or prohibit concealed carry. Be sure to honor their rules.

Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in Hawaii?

Hotels are private businesses and can set their own rules. Concealed carry licensees should always check with the hotel to clarify their position in advance.

Does Hawaii have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot?

This is not defined under Hawaii law, making it essential to consult with your employer before attempting to do so.




Do you have a duty to notify a police officer that you're carrying a concealed firearm in Hawaii?

Yes. You have a duty to inform a law enforcement officer that you’re carrying a concealed firearm in Hawaii.

Are "No Weapons Allowed" signs enforced in Hawaii? If, yes, violating the sign would be considered to be a crime. If, no, violating the sign would not be considered a criminal offense.

Yes. Failure to comply constitutes a second-degree criminal trespass.

Does Hawaii have preemption laws related to concealed carry (i.e., Does state law supersede local laws regarding the possession of handguns)?

No. Local authorities have the power to regulate ammo and firearms and final say on who may be issued a license to carry a gun.

Does Hawaii have a red flag law?

Yes, which may be invoked by law enforcement, medical professionals, family members, residents of the same household, colleagues, and educators.

Does Hawaii state law define brandishing?

Brandishing is not explicitly defined in Hawaii carry laws, but a person will be guilty of disorderly conduct when engaging in certain acts.

Does Hawaii have laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm while using alcohol or chemical substances?

This is not explicitly addressed by state law.

Does Hawaii issue concealed carry licenses to non-residents?


Does Hawaii allow the public to access concealed carry registry information through public records law?





Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in Hawaii?


Are background checks required for private gun sales in Hawaii?


Does my current Hawaii concealed carry license exempt me from needing a background check when I purchase firearm? 


Is there a waiting period after purchasing a handgun in Hawaii?

Yes, a minimum of 14 days, and the license is only valid for pickup for six days after clearance.

Do handguns need to be registered in Hawaii?


What is the minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in Hawaii?

The minimum age is 21.

Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home in Hawaii without a license? 

No. A permit is required even if you never intend to take the firearm outside of your residence.


Concealed Carry Requirements to Register for a License in Hawaii

An applicant must:

  • Be at least 21 years old
  • Be a lawful resident of Hawaii or lawful permanent resident alien residing in the State of Hawaii (per the August 10,2020, stipulation and order by the United States District Court for the District of Hawaii in the Alanoa Nickel lawsuit)
  • Be able to show reason to fear injury to his or her person or property
  • Be able to possess a firearm under Hawaii law
  • Not have been judged to be insane or incapacitated under Hawaii law
  • Be qualified to use a firearm


$10 for initial and renewal licenses; $42.00 for fingerprinting.

Valid For:

1 year.

Processing Time:

No processing time specifed by statute.


There is no online application.

Non-Resident Concealed Carry License:

Hawaii doesn’t issue licenses to non-residents.

Name & Address Changes:

Contact your county chief of police.

Lost or Stolen Licenses:

Contact your county chief of police.

Residency Changes:

Hawaii issues licenses to residents only and is a may-issue state which rarely issues licenses. The county chief of police may grant a license “in an exceptional case, when an applicant shows reason to fear injury to the applicant’s person or property.” You can apply for your license with the chief of police once you have established your residence in that county.



No process is outlined in the rules. Contact your county chief of police and provide the reason you fear injury to your person or property.



There’s no published material on a concealed carry license renewal process in Hawaii, but the police state on their website that firearm applicants must pay a one-time fee of $43.25 as of January 1, 2017, with no subsequent payments required for further firearm permits.

Concealed Carry for Law Enforcement Officers and Retired LEOs

The federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA) allows both active and retired law enforcement officers (LEOs and RLEOs) to concealed carry anywhere in the U.S. with restrictions. Both LEOs and RLEOs satisfying Hawaii’s firearm certification requirements and the LEOSA rules may concealed carry in the state. RLEOs must acquire photo ID and firearm certification from the agency they retired from or combine that photo ID with completion of the state’s Firearm Certification Program.

Applications for LEOSA firearms certification must be submitted in person at these locations, and RLEOs may use this form. Applicants must also complete a medical examination for LEOSA carry. LEOs and RLEOs should consult the state’s guide for more information.

Firearms Training & Competency

The certified instructors at Concealed Coalition will teach you the applicable laws for your state and how to carry and fire a firearm safely. Training is available across the U.S. and online, so contact us to sign up or ask any questions.

It’s necessary to complete a state-approved firearms training program for Hawaii concealed carry. There are also other ways to augment your firearm skills in the state through:

NRA Training

NRA Training
The NRA offers training at a wide range of locations. Use the local training locator to find specific lessons.

Hunter Safety Courses

Hawaii’s Department of Land and Natural Resources offers a hunter education program only available through online classes. Each class takes around 12 hours to complete and has Firearms Familiarization and Safety as part of the course.

Firearms Safety Courses From Other Providers

Public and private institutions, individuals, colleges, or law enforcement agencies often provide firearms training. These may not be recognized if the instructors are not NRA-certified, so contact local law enforcement for guidance.

A Firearms Training Course With a State-Certified Instructor

Concealed Coalition offers firearm training to help you gain an HLC. Our highly specialized instructors provide actionable lessons based on their extensive practical experience to ensure you gain tested and reliable skills.

DD Form 214 or Military Orders for Active or Former Military Members

The U.S. military issues document DD 214 when a service member performs active duty or has completed at least 90 consecutive days of active-duty training. Active military personnel may submit a certificate of training as proof of competency for firearms ownership. This document must come from a commanding officer as per Item 1.

Get Certified for a Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit Today

Our network of firearms professionals are holding training classes and in-person certification courses throughout Hawaii. Use our certification locator to enroll in an upcoming firearms training course near you today, or visit our Hawaii concealed carry permitting resource for online certification.

Get Certified for a Hawaii Concealed Carry Permit with Concealed Coalition

Did we miss something?

If you have any questions that you don’t see answered here — let us know! Just email [email protected] and we will be sure to get your question resolved promptly. Your feedback matters to us, and we greatly appreciate you helping us make this page the best possible resource for responsible gun owners! The information contained on this website is provided by Concealed Coalition as a service to its members and the public. The information on this page does not constitute legal advice. Our goal is to provide thorough, up-to-date information regarding concealed carry laws, reciprocity, and requirements. We make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. At the time of publishing the information contained in this page was correct and up-to-date. However, laws are constantly changing, and as a result, nothing contained on this website should be considered legal advice. Please consult a lawyer should you require legal advice regarding concealed carry and gun laws in your state. Did you know our membership includes a pre-paid legal protection plan? Sign up today and gain access to 24/7 coverage from a team of legal experts.

*Legal protection plans available in select states.

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