New York Concealed Carry Reciprocity Map & Gun Laws

Everything you need to know about owning a firearm in the state of New York

New York State Seal

New York Reciprocity Map

Last Updated: 2023

New York Concealed Carry Reciprocity Overview


















Becoming a responsible citizen and firearm owner depends on clearly understanding the gun rights and state laws that apply to you. New York is one of America’s most densely populated states, with over 19 million people, yet only 1% of them are licensed for concealed carry (CC) in New York. This equates to around 194,000 licenses issued as of August 2021.

Understanding reciprocity – how your gun rights translate across state lines – is essential. New York CCW reciprocity exists with 26 states, but New York itself doesn’t recognize permits or licenses from any other state. The minimum age to concealed carry in New York is 21 (or any age for honorably discharged military), and there’s a three-year recertification qualification to remain in possession of a license.

Those interested in obtaining a concealed carry license need an education partner they can trust. Concealed Coalition has trained over a million U.S. citizens on how to carry their weapons safely and effectively. Contact us to find online or local training to get your New York concealed carry license.

Summary of New York Gun Laws

Your New York Gun Rights

New York state concealed carry laws changed with the Supreme Court’s ruling on the NYSRPA v Bruen on June 23rd, 2022. The state is now shall-issue, with concealed weapons licenses issued at the local level by the county sheriff or court system.

The rules are also tougher when buying a handgun from a private individual. This requires a background check, firearms registration, and a purchase permit. Possession of unregistered firearms is illegal, and only licensed dealers can conduct private sales.

Gun rights can differ depending on your location, making a basic understanding of your home state’s rules essential. Here are the current firearms laws for NY:

Open Carry in New York

An NY Pistol License is necessary to carry a firearm beyond the confines of a home or business. Licenses are site-specific (page 1) and do not apply if the holder leaves the location it was assigned for. Unrestricted carry licenses are only awarded to those who can demonstrate good moral character for such a requirement and meet the other legal requirements. The matter of the weapon being visible isn’t specifically addressed under law.

Concealed Carry in New York

Only those in possession of a NY Pistol Permit can participate in concealed carry in New York, and there are restrictions:

  • Only residents or part-time residents can CC.
  • Those who are principally employed in NY may also CC.
  • Pistol licenses obtained outside New York City aren’t valid in the Five Boroughs, but those obtained in NYC are recognized statewide.

CC licenses are also subject to restrictions to ensure they’re only used for the purposes outlined in the application.

Self Defense Laws in New York

NY law draws clear lines regarding permissible use of force in various forms of defense. Learn these to effectively protect yourself and others:

Use of Force

NY residents are legally obliged to retreat from attackers if possible unless they are in their own dwelling. Physical force is permitted in self-defense, defense of others, and defense of property from trespass, burglary, mischief, larceny, or damages.

Use of Deadly Force

Allowed only under the reasonable belief that deadly force is about to be used against you or someone else. It may be used if the actor believes that the aggressor is committing or attempting to commit rape, sexual assault, arson, burglary, or robbery.

Protecting Yourself After Use of Force

This hinges on your not being the aggressor, being legally allowed in that location, and having exhausted all possibility of retreat (personal dwellings excluded).

Firearms training is a reliable way to learn how to assess threats. Concealed Coalition has trained over a million people to become responsible, certified gun owners. Classes are available locally and online.

New York State Concealed Carry Laws & Gun Laws by Statute

Concealed Coalition is dedicated to dispelling the myths surrounding gun ownership and promoting a culture of understanding, responsibility, and confidence. Our certified instructors are qualified across multiple states, and our online or local training classes provide convenient learning environments run by instructors who care.

Contact us today at (518) 201-2726 or email to discuss your concealed carry permit educational needs. In the meantime, we encourage you to read over this page and see our above NY concealed carry reciprocity map for additional information.

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Does New York recognize constitutional carry?


Is open carry permitted in New York?

As a non-permissive open carry state, New York prohibits the open carry of loaded firearms. 

If New York requires a license to carry a concealed firearm, how are those licenses issued?

New York is a shall-issue state, and concealed carry permits are issued at the local level by the county sheriff or court.

What is the minimum age in New York to get a concealed carry license?

21 years old.

Can you concealed carry weapons other than handguns in New York with a concealed carry license (or under permit-less carry if applicable)?

No. New York also does not honor concealed carry permits from other states. 

Is it legal to own a taser or stun gun in New York?

Yes. No license is necessary.

Is it legal to buy or use chemical spray/pepper spray in New York?

Yes, but only if you’re 18 and older, will use it for self-defense, and buy it from a state-licensed pharmacist or firearms dealer. Canisters can’t weigh more than three-quarters of an ounce and must have oleoresin capsicum as the active ingredient.

Does New York have magazine capacity restrictions for handguns?

Yes, no more than 10 rounds. While carrying your pistol may not contain more than 7 rounds, unless on a shooting range.

Does New York have ammunition restrictions?

Possessing armor-piercing ammo with the intent to use it against another is prohibited, as is knowingly possessing any bullet designed to explode or detonate upon impact.




Where can't I carry a concealed firearm in New York?

A person is guilty of criminal possession of a firearm, rifle or shotgun in a
sensitive location when such person possesses a firearm, rifle or shotgun in or
upon a sensitive location, and such person knows or reasonably should know
such location is a sensitive location.

Sensitive locations:

  • Any place owned or under control of federal, state or local government, for the purpose of government administration, including courts;
  • Any location providing health, behavioral health, or chemical dependance care
    of services;
  • Any place of worship or religious observation;
  • Libraries, public playgrounds, public parks, and zoos;
  • The location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, funded, or approved
    by the office of children and family services that provides services to children,
    youth, or young adults, any legally exempt childcare provider; a childcare
    program for which a permit to operate such program has been issued by the
    department of health and mental hygiene pursuant to the health code of the city
    of New York;
  • Nursery schools, preschools, and summer camps;
  • The location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded
    by the office for people with developmental disabilities;
  • The location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded
    by office of addiction services and supports;
  • The location of any program licensed, regulated, certified, operated, or funded
    by the office of temporary and disability assistance;
  • Homeless shelters, runaway homeless youth shelters, family shelters, shelters
    for adults, domestic violence shelters, and emergency shelters, and residential
    programs for victims of domestic violence;
  • Residential settings licensed, certified, regulated, funded, or operated by the
    department of health;
  • In or upon any building or grounds, owned or leased, of any educational
    institutions, colleges and universities, licensed private career schools, school
    districts, public schools, private schools licensed under article one hundred one
    of the educational law, charter schools, non-public schools, board of cooperative
    educational services, special act schools, preschool special education programs,
    private residential or non-residential schools for the education of students with
    disabilities, and any state-operated or state-supported schools;
  • Any place, conveyance, or vehicle used for public transportation or public transit,
    subway cars, train cars, buses, ferries, railroad, omnibus, marine or aviation
    transportation; or any facility used for or in connection with service in the
    transportation of passengers, airports, train stations, subway and rail stations,
    and bus terminals;
  • Any establishment issued a license for on-premises consumption pursuant to
    article four, four-A, five, or six of the alcoholic beverage control law where alcohol
    is consumed and any establishment licensed under article four of the cannabis
    law for on-premises consumption;

Never consider any list of restricted locations exhaustive for New York concealed carry. Call ahead to ask about your destination’s firearms policy.

Where can I carry a concealed firearm in New York?

CC is prohibited in places of worship, sports arenas, gambling facilities, or polling places. You may also CC on lands owned by the State University of New York’s College of Environmental Science and Forestry. Further acceptable CC locations are listed in the answers below.

Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in New York?

Yes, if you’re CC licensed. The firearm must be unloaded and locked in a container (not in a console or glove compartment).

Can you carry a concealed firearm at roadside rest areas in New York?


Can you carry a concealed firearm in state/national parks, state/national forest and Wildlife Management Areas in New York?


Can you carry a concealed firearm in bars and restaurants that serve alcohol in New York?

No. On July 1st, 2022, Gov. Hochul signed legislation banning the carrying of firearms in bars/restaurants that serve alcohol.

Can you carry or possess a firearm on hotel property in New York?

This can vary, because hotels are private businesses and can set their own rules. CC licensees should check with the hotel to clarify their position in advance before entering the premises.

Does New York have laws relating to storing firearms in private vehicles in an employee parking lot?

NY state law doesn’t address this.




Do you have a duty to notify a police officer that you're carrying a concealed firearm in New York?

This is only required when asked by an officer (item 8).

Are "No Weapons Allowed" signs enforced in New York? If, yes, violating the sign would be considered to be a crime. If, no, violating the sign would not be considered a criminal offense.

Yes, Additionally in order to carry into a private business the business must have it posted that “CCWs are welcome”.

Does New York have preemption laws related to concealed carry (i.e., Does state law supersede local laws regarding the possession of handguns)?

Local government has the power to adopt laws, but these may not conflict with the state constitution or general laws.

Does New York have a red flag law?

Yes, as of August 24, 2019.

Does New York state law define brandishing?

No, but it spells out disorderly conduct and second-degree menace.

Does New York have laws regarding carrying a concealed firearm while using alcohol or chemical substances?

This is now defined as illegal under New York concealed carry law.

Does New York issue concealed carry licenses to non-residents?

Residence must be full-time, part-time, or through employment/principal place of business.

Does New York allow the public to access concealed carry registry information through public records law?

Yes, but requests can be made to have your CC status exempt from public access.




Is a permit required to purchase a handgun in New York?

Yes, for handguns. No, for long guns.

Are background checks required for private gun sales in New York?

Federal laws requires federally licensed firearms dealers to issue background checks on the purchaser prior to sale. All private sales of firearms must go through an FFL and thus are subject to background checks per the new law.

Does my current New York concealed carry license exempt me from needing a background check when I purchase firearm? 

A concealed carry permit does not exempt individuals from the criminal record background check before buying a handgun.

Is there a waiting period after purchasing a handgun in New York?

There is no specified waiting period since this is dependent on the results of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.

Do handguns need to be registered in New York?


What is the minimum age to possess and transport a handgun in New York?

21 years old.

Can I possess/carry a handgun in my home in New York without a license? 



Concealed Carry Requirements to Register for a License in New York

An applicant must:

  • Be 21 years of age or older except there is no minimum age for honorably discharged members of the U.S. military
  • Be a U.S. citizen or legal resident
  • Not have been admitted to the United States under a non-immigrant visa
  • Be of good moral character
  • Show proper cause exists for the issuance of a carry license, including, for example, target shooting, hunting or self-defense
  • Reside or maintain a principal place of business within the county in which the application is filed
  • Some counties may require successful completion of a firearms safety course
  • Not have been convicted anywhere of a felony or a serious offense
  • Not be a fugitive from justice
  • Not be subject to a protective court order
  • Not be an unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance as defined in section 21 U.S.C. 802
  • Be free from any mental disorders, defects or diseases that would impair his or her ability to safely possess or use a firearm
  • Not have had a license revoked or not be under a suspension or ineligibility order
  • Not have been convicted of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
  • Not have been involuntarily committed to a facility under the jurisdiction of an office of the department of mental hygiene
  • In the county of Westchester, have successfully completed a firearms safety course and test as evidenced by a certificate of completion issued in his or her name and endorsed and affirmed under the penalties of perjury by a duly authorized instructor
  • Not have had a guardian appointed for him or her pursuant to any provision of state law, based on a determination that as a result of marked subnormal intelligence, mental illness, incapacity, condition or disease, he or she lacks the mental capacity to contract or manage his or her own affairs
  • Demonstrate good moral character 


Initial license: $20
Renewals: $10
Note: licensing fees vary by county 

*Any amendments to licenses cost $3, with the exception of Suffolk County, where amendments cost $5.

Fees for processing a license or renewal for qualified retired police officers, sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, bridge and tunnel officers, uniformed court officers, court clerks in the unified court system, and retired correction officers are waived across all counties in the state per New York’s 2023 S04879 amendment.

Valid For:

3 years. 

Processing Time:

6 months (varies greatly depending on the county) 


Link to CWP application
Link to continuation form.

Non-Resident Concealed Carry License:

Part-time NY State residents or anyone who is principally employed or has his principal place of business in the state may apply to the licensing officer where such place of business is located. The process is the same as for residents.



Name & Address Changes:

Complete an Address/Employment Change Report within 10 days. A $3 fee will be charged. Submit the form along with a recent utility bill for the current address. Failure to report an address change within 10 days may result in the suspension/revocation of your license. Take the documents to:

License Division— Renewal Unit Rm 152
One Police Plaza
New York, N.Y. 10038

Lost or Stolen Licenses:

If your license is stolen, you must immediately report such information to the precinct of occurrence or local police agency where the theft occurred and obtain a complaint number. If your license has been lost, stolen or mutilated, you must notify the Pistol Licensing Bureau immediately after notifying the appropriate authorities as indicated above, and respond to the office for a replacement license. You will be required to submit a $5.00 check or money order for a replacement license.

Residency Changes:

Moving to New York and interested in applying for a resident license? 
New York issues licenses to residents, part-time residents and anyone who is principally employed or has his principal place of business in the state. You can apply for your license to the county sheriff or court system where you or your business is located once you have established your residence or business in that county.

Moving from New York and have a New York resident license? Does that license transfer to your new state? Is there a grace period during which your New York license remains valid?
If a person with a New York pistol license establishes residency in another state, the pistol license expires upon the establishment of residence in the other state. Business licenses expire if employment is terminated or the business relocates outside of the state.


Step One:

The entire state now requires a 16 hour handgun safety course with 2 hours of live fire.

Step Two:

Download the state application or the form for your county.

Step Three:

Complete the forms. You will need four character references.

Step Four:

Have passport-style photographs taken. You will need two photos.

Step Five:

Go to your county sheriff or courthouse to submit your application. You will be fingerprinted.

Step Six:

You will undergo various background checks by New York State and the FBI, and will be interviewed by local police.

Step Seven:

Your application is then submitted to one of the licensing judges, police commissioner or sheriff for consideration.

Step Eight:

You will be notified of your approval or denial.


Step One:

NY requires a recertification test every three years after the license is issued. This is carried out under 2013’s SAFE Act, and there’s no fee. 

Step Two:

License holders are usually notified by letter when recertification is approaching, but the state expects people to be proactive regardless of notification.

Step Three:

Forms are available at state police stations and can be mailed in or completed online.

Concealed Carry for Law Enforcement Officers and Retired LEOs

The federal Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act LEOSA allows both active and retired law enforcement officers (LEOs and RLEOs) to CC anywhere in the U.S. with some restrictions. New York residents who are RLEOs can be trained to LEOSA standards by a state-certified instructor.

There are many such qualified individuals offering these courses, which include classroom elements and practical firearms training. The LEOSA application process is outlined on the Orange County Sheriff’s site. 

Firearms Training & Competency

16 hour training course with 2 hours of live fire training is now required throughout the state Consult with your local law enforcement office for guidance. There are many ways to increase your firearms skills, legal knowledge, and situational awareness that are worthwhile ways to become more capable and confident with your weapon, even when training isn’t required.

NRA Training

The NRA offers many types of training at a wide range of locations. Use the local training locator to find specific lessons.

Hunter Safety Courses

The NY Department of Environment Conservation offers a hunter education course that can be taken online or in person. This is required if you intend to hunt with your firearm.

Firearms Safety Courses From Other Providers

Public and private institutions, colleges, or law enforcement agencies often provide firearms training.

A Firearms Training Course With a State-Certified Instructor

Concealed Coalition offers firearm training to help you gain a New York concealed carry license. Our highly trained instructors provide actionable lessons based on their extensive practical experience to ensure you gain tested and reliable skills.

DD Form 214 or Military Orders for Active or Former Military Members

The military document DD 214 is issued when a service member performs active duty or has completed at least 90 consecutive days of active-duty training. Honorably discharged military members will need this form to prove their status and to apply to concealed carry in New York regardless of their age.

Get Certified for a New York Concealed Carry Permit Today

Our network of firearms professionals are holding training classes and in-person certification courses throughout New York. Use our certification locator to enroll in an upcoming firearms training course near you today, or visit our New York concealed carry permitting resource for online certification.

Get Your New York Concealed Carry Permit with Concealed Coalition

Did we miss something?

If you have any questions that you don’t see answered here — let us know! Just email [email protected] and we will be sure to get your question resolved promptly. Your feedback matters to us, and we greatly appreciate you helping us make this page the best possible resource for responsible gun owners! The information contained on this website is provided by Concealed Coalition as a service to its members and the public. The information on this page does not constitute legal advice. Our goal is to provide thorough, up-to-date information regarding concealed carry laws, reciprocity, and requirements. We make no claims, representations, warranties, promises or guarantees as to the accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the information disclosed. At the time of publishing the information contained in this page was correct and up-to-date. However, laws are constantly changing, and as a result, nothing contained on this website should be considered legal advice. Please consult a lawyer should you require legal advice regarding concealed carry and gun laws in your state. Did you know our membership includes a pre-paid legal protection plan? Sign up today and gain access to 24/7 coverage from a team of legal experts.

*Legal protection plans available in select states.

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