10 Gun Handling Safety Rules
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time gun owner or an experienced shooter with a concealed carry permit – gun safety is paramount. On the range, at home, and anywhere else you handle…
A complete list of concealed carry training and certification blog articles
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a first-time gun owner or an experienced shooter with a concealed carry permit – gun safety is paramount. On the range, at home, and anywhere else you handle…
New shooters have a tendency to anticipate the shot or the recoil. This causes a number of errors in the accuracy of your shooting. Use the pistol correction chart to identify your bad habits and…
In the era of heated gun control controversy, it’s more important than ever to be vigilant about practice. Gun ranges give you a place to hone your skill, practice new techniques, and learn…
Every state with CCW permitting is going to have their own way of training. Also, testing concealed carry gun owners because they’re all going to have their own gun control laws…
With gun control at the forefront of conversation in the media, CCW permit holders are more anxious than ever. All about growing measures to restrict their gun rights. This makes it all the more imperative that responsible gun owners practice safety at all times.
The concealed carry option has become increasingly popular with handgun owners throughout the U.S.. These owner’s want peace of mind by knowing you can adequately protect yourself and…
Guns present a bit of a paradox. On one hand, they have a simple mechanical design that makes their operation easy to master, as are the basic fundamentals of shooting and gun safety…
Learning proper use of a firearm is critical if you are going to carry a concealed weapon. However, if you are ready to take the next step and help others become safe, responsible owners of…
Ear protection is an important part of firearms use. But do you always need it? What if you’re only firing a few rounds, or firing a light, small-caliber cartridge? As you’ll see, ear protection remains important, no matter what you choose to fire. How Bad is Shooting for Your Ears? It’s one of those common-sense …